Journal Entry 1

Date: 2. 3. 2022


  • Installed Unity Hub, went through basic IDE tutorial
  • Set up Platformer Microgame
  • Modified Platformer Microgame according following the tutorials
  • Downloaded and imported 2D Game Kit and inspected its scenes

Notes: It was my first experience with Unity. I had troubles with getting used to the way of moving and scaling objects (sometimes it required holding the arrow, sometimes not). Also, when setting an image into a bilboard, I didn’t know how to adjust bilboard’s size to match the image. The image was usually imported deformed when I changed the bilboard’s size before importing. And sometimes I couldn’t manipulate the image once it was imported as a background - I didn’t know how to select it. But when I retried the import the same way as before, it could suddenly be selected without any problem. And most importantly, I got stuck at the ‘Add trigger’ tutorial - I tried to navigate to GameObject -> 2D Object -> Sprite, but the ‘2D Object’ menu was missing in my editor. I didn’t manage to locate it elsewhere. So at this point, I skipped the ‘Add trigger’ tutorial.

Invested hours: Installations: 1.5 hour Tutorials: 3 hours Outcome: Build (uploaded to the page as a .zip file)

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